Booklet Maker
Booklet Makers offering an easy and economical way to make booklets. Booklet Makers enables you to quickly create multiple page, stapled sheets. Incorporating standard office staples and offering different size of paper fitting, Martin Yale booklet maker is movable and easy to access, enabling the user to use the product without any constraints. The versatility and functionality of the Booklet Maker makes it an outstanding device in the production of booklets at a profit.
The Booklet maker offers additional features, such as dual, adjustable side which guides the pages to the center automatically, thereby relieving you of the tedious task of adjusting the paper every now and then. Equipped with quick paper size changing functionality, this efficient office equipment helps in saving time by making the operations less cumbersome. Booklet Maker is a true companion in enhancing your small business or big firm.
- Price $7,814.25List Price $12,790.00Savings 46.87%